The Whole 30 – Day 19

Tomorrow, we are 2/3 of the way through this cycle!!! I am already dreaming about days 31 and 32, and then starting over with day 1 again… Though in reality, I may make this a W60, or W100… It seems that bread will taste that much better after a longer stretch… Maybe.

So this morning, I got up and had a couple of my egg cups, while my son had a big bowl of cereal, and talked about making me a scrambled egg and cheese on potato bread toast sandwich. Then he remembered he can’t do that right now, and started looking forward to “Day 31” with me.

Lunch was a giant salad!!! I used field and baby greens, and baby portabello mushrooms, and cucumbers, and Tessamae dressing that I found yesterday!!! Lemon garlic, to be exact. And it’s pretty!

So now, I get to figure out what I’m doing for dinner… Need some protein.

The Whole 30 – Dinner 17

Pan seared salmon over mixed greens with balsamic vinegar. It was time for a change.

Also, this Instacart thing needs to pick up soon. I only got one shop/delivery tonight. I actually ended up ending my shift an hour early, and taking the hit to my “reliability score”, because I just sat in the Whole Foods parking lot for a full hour with nothing to do. I have a full shift tomorrow morning, from 9am to 2pm. It’s the first shift I have been scheduled, rather than picking up someone else’s dropped hours, so I’m hoping there will be a marked difference. We will see.

The Whole 30 – Lunch 17

No, I didn’t forget to post last night’s dinner and this morning’s breakfast; they just didn’t happen. Let me ‘splain it to you…

On top of my 45-hour/week “regular” job, I started working for Instacart, where I shop for and deliver groceries to people who either can’t, or just have the money to pay someone else to do it for them. My first shift with them was last night. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any shops for me, but they needed several deliveries to be completed, so tag, I was it.

It was the WORST FIRST SHIFT in the history of first shifts at new jobs. Well, it was for me. 3 hours of confusion, miscommunication, frustration from the shopper putting the orders together, on and on and on… The saving grace, and the reason I will continue to work with the company, is their “Shopper Happiness” hotline. Those people are so nice and helpful, it’s hard to fault the circumstances that were out of their – and my – control. So shout out to the support helpline.

Back to #W30!!! So by the time I got home last night, it was 10pm, and I was in excruciating pain (read back in the blog if you don’t know about my back). I had not had dinner, because I couldn’t think of a single place in “fast food land” where I could get a compliant dinner while driving. So I came home, took my heavy duty meds for my back, and slept. For 12 hours. No Dinner 16 for me. Or Morning 17, for that matter.

So here we are, and Lunch 17 is…. More egg cups!!! Protein and veggies for the win. I will probably have a second serving this afternoon, then a late dinner. I don’t want to get tired of the egg cups the way I did my chicken salad and then scrambled eggs.

The Whole 30 – Lunch 16

More egg cups! I brought extras to work for a quick lunch, plus I had some chicken tenders left over from yesterday. I ate the egg cups, and didn’t have room for the chicken tenders!

Of course, three hours later, and I’m sitting at my desk, when WHAM, the afternoon hunger hits. I can’t leave my desk now, though, because there’s no backup going into the 4th of July weekend (as everyone else is leaving early), so I grab my trusty *compliant* LaraBar!! And Yum.

The Whole 30 – Dinner 15


Dinner tonight was pan-seared whitefish, steamed broccoli, and an ear of corn. Used ghee in pretty much everything.

My BIG project tonight, though, was making my breakfast for the next week. I went to Costco, and picked up their produce section, pretty much. and another 3 dozen eggs. I came home, and while cooking dinner, whipped this up…

18 eggs total, a whole chopped tomato, most of an entire (huge) chopped cucumber, a dozen mini bell peppers, portabello mushrooms, and poured it all into muffin cups. I’ll show you how it turned out tomorrow morning.