The Whole 30 – Sickness/Breakdown

I’m not even sure what Day we are on… I think it’s 26. I’ve been compliant since my blog absence, but more out of necessity than choice. This past weekend was not great for me. I spent much of it tired, achey, and generally in a fog. I ate meats and veggies. I drank water. I had some fruit along the way. I am officially past the point of ready for this #W30 to be over, not because it’s hard to follow, but because I’m tired. I’m tired of not enjoying lunches *with* my son, or dinners, or having those moments of “Oops, I’m sorry Mom, I forgot you can’t have that right now.”

I may do this again later, but not while it will affect my family’s happiness in being together. I *have* come away from it with a dislike of bread, and no desire for sweets; but I did that before when I stopped eating sugars for a week or so. It didn’t take 30 days. And I miss dairy. That’s for sure. I feel less bloated now than I did 4 weeks ago, and that’s a good thing. I am still thinking of going on my other protein-positive program and adding in my BodyPump on Demand, which I have sorely missed these last 6 months or so.

Here goes…

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